It’s Official , ‘Cudira Shqiptare’ Page name will be changed to ‘Gazeta Atdheu’. Rebranding

It’s Official , ‘Cudira Shqiptare’ Page name…

Gazeta Atdheu is one of the first newspapers published in Constance of Romania on August 1, 1912. It was the organ of the patriotic society “Bashkimi”.

Pledged to protect “The Rights of the Albanian people”, with its populistic opposition and fact clarity, the newspaper it was published twice a month, and was led by Joan (Jani) Mihal Lehova.

Since the first issue, it was welcomed by the immigrants and gathered around many collaborators, such as Jani Vruho, Asdreni, Zisi Ziko, Haki Glina, Risto Siliqi, Milto Gura, Aleko Vanci, Loni Ligori, Argjermët Kosmo Seremba, Agustin Ribeko etc.

Atdheu is ”reborn” to complete its mission and to help people to raise their voice to injustice.

Nowadays, albanians need more than ever to be heard.

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